Infidelity to Productiveness

We’ve got so many things that has to be done, but for some people like me who gets easily distracted all the time and also sometimes i just lose interest with important things to do that was my responsibility and end up watching drama all day, pushing out work off my mind.

I don’t like being unproductive, i like to accomplish some new important things everyday and that makes me happy. But you know, there is always work that seems difficult or intricate that makes you choose flight than fight. It may not solve the problem, but you think if you flight for a moment you could come back with full attention and high energy on that.

Or it may not.

It is ok to have a setback period when you stuck on something, but you have to admit that if your setback period is binge watching drama on netflix probably not a good idea. Your brain will not actively working and keeps telling you to go on watching until you neglecting your responsibility.

So the next time you feel like you stuck on something, choose your setback activity wisely by choosing ones that keeps your brain actively working and thinking. It can be something simple like take a shower, do laundry, cleaning your room, reading, go outside and eat at your favorite restaurant, something that refresh your body and mind and let it wander around. So that you can begin again your work in a really fresher condition.

Good luck fighting your procrastination!

Being Nice

Sometimes it is really hard to be nice to people. I am an easily iritate person, but when i am not happy about what that people do to me, i tell them. Or if i cannot tell them yet, for some reasons, i strained myself to ever gossiping (Ok, sometimes i failed this too). But at least, never, hardly ever, i am faking it. If i am not pleased, i seem not pleased. And if i smile and seems to like you, i can guarantee it is real.

What i dislike most about people that i have met, either i know them or not, is that there are so many of them are faked. Not genuine about what they have said or did. And i think it is cruel, for talking bad about them behind their back when you were smiling and complimenting each other when you’re met. This is one of some reasons that i really selective about people that i choose to have a close relationship with, like friends. I do not have many friends, at least the closed one. I can count them by fingers. And i dont mind at all. I know, all of my friends are genuine people so i know in my heart that they will be genuine to me.

I learn to not exposing my emotion so much infront of other people that i am not comfortable with (and that’s huge number of people). From my experience, they are full of judgement and so fake that make me start questioning my existence. Why i am not fitting to them, am i intollerant? What should i do? etc. But i do know for sure that i don’t want to be like them.

For me, one step to start being nice is to be genuine. If i frown at you, it means i dislike your attitude, or behavior, or your point of view of something. And if you are lucky enough, i will tell you why. Maybe some people will see me as highly reactive or easily irritate or short tempered or intollerant, but that is the way i am being nice to you (ironically), to not faking what i think about you. It is not that i dislike you in person, just your act(s), no hard feeling after that unless you repeat it over and over again. So when i am smiling and caring about you, you should be safe from wondering “does she will talking bad about me behind my back?”. And for me, that safe feeling is really good that will set me free.